Mark Walker BSc MRICS

Mark became chartered in 1989 and a Registered Adjudicator in 1998.

For the past 30+ years Mark has provided sound strategic advice and expert professional QS / Commercial support, to a variety of clientele.

He has significant experience of all the latest Standard Forms of Contract and PFI, Healthcare and NHS Procurement Strategies, and first hand knowledge of Risk Assessments, CDM requirements and BREEAM conditions.

Mark has proved to be totally reliable, efficient, focused, professional and prepared to work long hours in order to achieve tight deadlines and has built up a reputation as an expert forensic quantum analyst and final account resolver.

He has considerable procurement documentation preparation experience and has the technical experience to provide BoQ's or Builders Quantity documents in any format to suit the clients needs.

Mark has provided Quantum Expert witness support on a number of high profile/value projects as well as receiving his own direct legal Quantum Expert instruction, and acted as independent Adjudicator and Expert Determinater.


He has experience of dealing with a multitude of different sized disputes - from Domestic property disputes of less than £100k to large £multi million international projects.

Mark has significant experience of preparing claims/referral documents on behalf of Contractors and SubContractors as well as defending/providing Response  Documents on behalf of Clients, Local Authorities and Developers.

Project consultant looking at a blueprint on a laptop

Dawn Walker BSc MRICS

Dawn became chartered in 1989 and has been delivering complex, multi-phased projects for many years. She is well organised, has excellent communication skills, is a strong leader, motivated and focused on delivery. She is used to working with a variety of stakeholders and has the ability to develop strong working relationships with both the client and project team.

She is used to working to deliver to budget and programme deadlines and is resourceful to ensure projects are delivered with client’s objectives, values and priorities always in focus.

Having been with the South West of England Regional Development Agency for over 13 years before joining Walker Consultants in 2012, she understands what clients require to deliver construction projects and fully appreciates the pre-acquisition, planning and delivery process as well the estate management work that is required on schemes often not fully appreciated by consultants in private practice.